05 Sep

Thursday, August 24, 2023, marked a special date in my journey of faith. In collaboration with King Ministries and Shake the Nations, I had the privilege of participating in a beautiful conference aimed at 715 pastors in the city of Santa Ana, El Salvador. 

My role in this event was that of a translator for the evangelists, and this experience was much more than just translated words; it was a testimony of God's work in the unity of the body of Christ.

A Walk Through History: 

From Belize to El Salvador I recalled with awe what God had done in my country, Belize, in 2017. In that year, we conducted eight simultaneous evangelistic crusades in different cities. 

Now, these same ministries & more were doing something similar in El Salvador, planning seven crusades in different cities for March 2024. Santa Ana would be one of the cities to be blessed. Seeing this kind of unity and action in different nations was a confirmation of God's power and faithfulness. 

The Power of the Word: 

During the conference, the pastors present were ministered to with a powerful word from the two evangelists. The teachings resonated deeply in the hearts of those present, and we felt God's presence tangibly. It was a reminder that God loves His people and desires that all come to repentance and be saved.

Gratitude and Reflection: 

I want to take a moment to express my profound gratitude to all who support our ministry. 

Thanks to your support, events like this are possible, and we can serve the body of Christ not only in Belize but beyond our borders. We are grateful for your trust and for being part of this work that seeks to bring the light of the gospel to distant places. 


My journey of faith continues to evolve, and each step is a testament to God's grace. Seeing the unity of the body of Christ in action, witnessing the power of the Word, and being part of God's work in different nations is a constant reminder of His love and purpose in our lives. 

Let us pray for more opportunities to carry the message of the gospel to those in need, and let us continue to move forward in faith along the path God has laid out for us.

Thank you for being part of this journey of faith. May God richly bless you!