09 Jun

Dear friends of the ministry, With great excitement and gratitude to God, we share this joy with each one of you. 

During the first week of June, our eldest son, Zair, at 17 years old, took a significant step in his life by graduating from High School at New Hope Christian School. We are deeply proud and thankful to God for the wonderful son He has given us - a young man who is obedient, loves the Lord, and honors us with his decisions.

Experiencing this moment was truly emotional, as he is our eldest and the first to graduate from High School. Currently, he is preparing to start classes at Escuela Mexico, where he will pursue Six Form. 

We are overjoyed to witness what God is doing in his life, and he believes that his studies in programming and web design will be a means to serve God and the body of Christ.

Furthermore, we want to share a testimony of God's immense mercy. One of our donors in Belize has been used by God to support Zair's studies. 

We do not take this lightly; we recognise it as a divine provision and celebrate and thank God for His abundant goodness in our lives and family. Seeing God's hand at work through His provision brings us great happiness. We extend our gratitude to each one of you for being a part of our family in our ministry. 

Your support has not only been for our sustenance but has also kept us in prayer as we face life's realities and continue to move forward, preparing ourselves to serve Jesus and the body of Christ and to bring more people into God's kingdom.

Amidst this celebration, we acknowledge the vital role each one of you has played in Zair's growth and development. 

Your prayers and generosity have been fundamental to his spiritual formation and growth. Our hearts overflow with thankfulness for your unwavering support. 

We continue to pray and work enthusiastically in God's work, knowing that together, as a family in Christ, we can make a significant difference in the world. 

Thank you for being part of this beautiful journey with us!

Your Brother in Christ: Manuel A. Guardado