17 Jun

It is with great joy and gratitude that we share the exciting report of our activities during the second week of June in collaboration with Elevate Church and Children Cup Belize.

Our mission took us to three special communities: Marcos Canul, Guinea Grass, and Port Loyola in the city of Belize. In each place, we witnessed the tireless work of a vital group of leaders: the program coordinators at each of the Care Points, and the extraordinary team of volunteers from these communities.During our visit, we held special activities to recognize and appreciate the immense work of these valuable collaborators. A moment of recognition and appreciation was followed by a time of prayer, where we raised our hands to congratulate them for the excellent work they are doing to positively impact their communities every day.

Additionally, we shared moments of joy with the little ones through children's parties, bringing the message of Jesus Christ in dynamic and relevant presentations tailored to their ages. Laughter and games filled the air as we broke piñatas, and we concluded by giving toys to the children who are constantly part of the programs offered by the team from Children's Cup Belize in these communities.

We are filled with joy knowing that, together, we can unite the body of Christ and strengthen each other. 

Our work goes beyond isolated events; we are creating intentional and sustainable impact that empowers local leadership in Belize and beyond borders.

Dear donors, we deeply appreciate your support and trust in our ministry. 

Thank you for believing in our mission and supporting us as a family, enabling us to serve in God's work in our beautiful country, Belize, and beyond.Without your prayers and monthly contributions, this work would not be possible. 

With God's help and the support of each one of you, we will continue to make a difference for the glory of our good God and for the benefit of His people.

Thank you for being part of this exciting journey of love, hope, and transformation in Belize.

Your Brother in Christ: Manuel A. Guardado